Experience Nienke Timmermans

Lyme Borrelia Zelfhulpgroep Nederland
The self-healing success of

Nienke Timmermans

Last year I started to struggle with my health. I was tired, listless and had several complaints. From headaches to concentration problems and from joint pain to cardiac arrhythmias.
During my search I quickly came into contact with Erik Noteboom through a friend of mine. This friend had previously been with Erik and successfully guided his self-help treatments for Lyme disease. The complaints I had made me suspect that I might also have Lyme and that turned out to be the case. For several months I followed the self-help treatments with a good result. Luckily I haven't been sick for years so I think it also has to do with the fact that I felt better pretty quickly.

I experienced the guidance as very pleasant

I experienced the guidance as very pleasant. Because Erik has had it himself, he knows how someone with Lyme feels. The way he guided me and the knowledge he has made me feel very familiar. I have no comparison material compared to other treatment methods but I am very grateful that I started this right away.

I feel so good now that I will be traveling in the coming months. Forget what has been the past period and enjoy the fact that I can do this again!

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