In the summer of 2013 I contracted several tick bites. I went to the doctor and because there was no red circle visible, according to him, I had absolutely no Lyme disease. I went home feeling good and relieved
However, I soon got all kinds of different complaints: fever, muscle pain and tingling in my hands and feet. I went back to the doctor and got a week of antibiotics. After this I felt better and therefore assumed it
that the cure had done its job. This was in June and in January all complaints returned, three times as bad. In addition, I regularly experienced severe knife stabbing in my back and left leg and intensive joint pain. Studies followed for a year, from an MRI to a lumbar puncture (cerebrospinal fluid) to visits to the rheumatism center. I went in and out of hospital. I was always told: you are a young guy, with a busy job as a project manager and just the father of your first child, so it will be stressful. When you hear something like this you still think okay, but when you hear that every visit you feel ashamed. I didn't feel serious because of the ignorance taken in regular care. That hurt me a lot, literally and figuratively.