Eventually, when I searched the internet, I ended up with Erik Noteboom and Tessa Gerrits, at the "Lyme Zelfhulpgroep Nederland". What appealed to me was the equipment developed by Erik that is used in self-help treatment and the fact that Erik and Tessa have been cured of Lyme by these biophotons and bioresonance treatment. I also liked the fact that you are in a peer group with the treatment.
In the past 14 months I have received a lot of valuable information from Erik, Tessa and fellow sufferers. Many tips about nutrition and supplements, a lot of insight into my life.
What was very nice was that Tessa was always available at times when things were not going well.
My Lyme is GONE !!!
Dear Tessa, Erik and fellow sufferers, many thanks for this valuable journey.