Not daring to take the bus or train, scared to be caught up in large crowds of people, dreading to undertake any kind of activity, and fear of the unknown. These are some of the things we hear regularly at the lyme self-help group meetings. People with Lyme disease are afraid of their surroundings and prefer to stay inside. Combine that with hyper-sensitivity for light and sound and it often results in people staying at home and isolating themselves. They also experience an almost unbearable sense of unrest and stress.
These fears can be associated to overburdened kidneys. The kidneys are the life energy and so it makes sense that people start to experience fears when they do not function properly.
In addition, the amygdale also plays ((The amygdale is an almond-shaped structure that is involved with the control and processing of various emotions, including fear and aggression, and it is part of the limbic system) an important role in this and it too, is in these cases, often disrupted.