Experience mevrouw Claessen

Lyme Borrelia Zelfhulpgroep Nederland
The self-healing success of

Mevrouw Claessen

I knew that Lyme disease existed but you can be so sick that I never realized it until it happened to myself. I knew you had to watch out for ticks and because I work a lot in the garden and love to be in the woods I was always alert, I checked myself regularly. I have never had a tick, let alone a red circle, and the greater the surprise that I eventually turned out to have Lyme disease.
My health deteriorated three years ago: I got all kinds of (vague) complaints. I was very tired, had little energy and a lot of problems with my joints. In addition, I got complaints such as poor vision, ringing in the ears and headache. I entered the medical mill and have had many different studies. All doctors found I had something, but they couldn't tell me exactly what. One time they talked about rheumatism and the other time about chronic fatigue syndrome, but for myself I felt that it was not all of that. I had now "read in" and suspected it might be Lyme. After a long push, I managed to get a Lyme test done and it was positive.

I was given a course of antibiotics for a number of weeks and during and after those weeks I felt a bit better for a while. Unfortunately after a while the complaints came back and I felt just as sick as before the cure. I went back to the doctor and he told me it needed time and I had to look at it. In the meantime, the symptoms got worse until at some point I could hardly walk anymore from the pain. I went back to this and I was prescribed another course. During and after that treatment, the symptoms subsided again and I felt a little better again. But even after this course it all got worse after a few weeks. I could hardly do anything more; sat at home for days, couldn't work and my social life was worth nothing.

I feel fine, but I feel that occasional self-treatment can do no harm

I was wondering if I was on the right track by using cure after cure. At some point it should go better? In the meantime I had gathered quite some information about Lyme disease and I came to the conclusion that I did not want to continue in this way. I decided to take a different path. About two years ago I ended up with Erik Noteboom through a friend of mine. From the beginning I had a good feeling about the way he approached me and the Lyme and the self-treatments. After the first few treatments I always felt sick for about three days, but I understood that that was part of it. It was a good sign that my body accepted the treatments and did something about it. After a number of treatments I noticed progress and the complaints subsided somewhat. The pains in my joints got less, it became more portable and I gradually got more energy. After about three months, the complaints I had had subsided even further and it felt as if "the pressure" had come off. I knew I was not there yet, but this treatment felt good and I decided to continue.

In the period that followed I still regularly went to Erik and after each treatment I felt a bit better. The energy returned even more and the fatigue faded into the background. At some point the pain was almost gone and I gradually started to pick up my old life. Over time I noticed that there could be a longer period between treatments. At the moment I go to Erik every other month for a self-treatment and feel good about it. I feel fine, but I feel that occasional self-treatment can do no harm.

During the entire treatment period I drank a lot of water and tea to stimulate the detoxification process and I also took supplements to increase the resistance. It has not always been easy, I sometimes felt very bad after a treatment, because of the detoxification, but in the end it was definitely worth it. I am doing well now, I have my old life back. I can work again and also have a social life. I am so happy that I chose this treatment method and can really recommend it to any Lyme patient!

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